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Cornerstone provides a nursery for families who wish to come listen and learn about God's Word. The nursery is a dependable, safe, and nurturing place for children to interact with each other and learn about Jesus. We seek to provide the best nursery care while parents are worshiping and participating in discipleship experiences. Families can worship with complete confidence in the care their children are receiving. It is our prayer that every child's experience in our nursery ministry will help them as they grow up learning about Jesus. 


Childcare is available for the following ages during the listed service times:


Sunday Mornings:

9AM (Sunday School)- Newborn-5 years old

10AM Worship- Newborn-5 years old



3-5 year olds participate in our Kidzone ministry, nursery is provided for workers children.


Interested in serving? Cornerstone members who pass a background check are encouraged to participate in this special ministry! 


For more information email us at


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Cornerstone Baptist Church

Physical Address: 1600 S Pine St, Kountze, Texas 77625


"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations..." Matthew 28:19

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